Plantar fasciitis – management in general practice

14th March 2025, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

Plantar fasciitiis

Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain in adults affecting about 10% of the adult population. It is most common in women aged between 40-60 years. It stems from the degenerative irritation of the plantar fascia origin at the medial calcaneal tuberosity of the heel and its surrounding perifascial structures.…

Paediatric hydronephrosis – the role of ultrasound

NIA Diagnostic Imaging, 11th February 2025


Renal pathology in children is always difficult to diagnose. It depends on a high index of suspicion. Family history of renal pathology may offer some clues. Confirmed urinary tract infection (UTI) warrant further investigations. We need a reliable radiology provider to tell us whether there is any pathology we need to follow up. NIA Diagnostic Imaging offers high-resolution ultrasound imaging using GE LOGIC E10 systems to effectively demonstrate renal, bladder anatomy and other pathology that may be the cause of hydronephrosis.…

DEXA – the key to osteoporosis diagnosis

14th January 2025, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

It is usually not difficult to diagnose osteoporosis once a patient has fractured a bone or two. The key in primary care is to try to diagnose those at risk of osteoporosis and prevent a fracture, especially neck of femur fracture. The consequence of a neck of femur fracture is quite significant especially in elder patients.…

3D Mammography – when should we order them?

12th December, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

Breast lump

We know that screening mammography is not perfect. This is particularly the case in breasts that are dense. Breast tissue density is a predictor of breast cancer (BC) risk (1-3). Pooled analyses have shown a fourfold to fivefold increase in BC risk for women with the highest breast tissue density compared with those classified in the lowest density category, independently of other risk factors for BC that may be present in women with high breast density (1,3).…

Shoulder bursitis – diagnosis and management

9th November 2024, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

What is shoulder bursitis?

Shoulder bursitis is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain and is referred as an inflammatory disorder affecting the subacromial-subdeltoid bursa (Faruqi & Rizvi, 2023). The subacromial-subdeltoid bursa is a fluid-filled sac lined with synovium which separates the supraspinatus tendon from the acromion, coracoacromial ligament and deltoid and helps ease movement between the rotator cuff and other structures of the shoulder joint (MacMahon & Yablon, 2017).…

The role of US in postmenopausal bleeding

13th October 2024, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

transvaginal US

Menopause is characterised by complete absence of menstrual cycle due to no ovarian follicles left in reserve and it is clinically diagnosed when a woman has amenorrhea for at least 1 year (Sung, 2023).
Any post-menopausal women with vaginal bleeding should be appropriately managed through comprehensive clinical examinations and diagnostic studies; these include diagnostic imaging and, in some cases, endometrial biopsies (Sung, 2023).…

Understanding radiation dose in CT scans

8th September 2024, NIA Diagnostic Imaging


Computed tomography (CT) is widely recognised as the gold standard for detecting and diagnosing a broad range of pathologies due to its ability to provide detailed cross-sectional imaging. However, concerns about radiation exposure continue to be raised by both patients and clinicians. As a result, it is crucial to understand the impact of technological advancements in ensuring that radiation exposure is kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) while still maintaining diagnostic accuracy.…

Role of CT Enterography in Crohn’s Disease Mx

11th August 2024, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

CT enterography (CTE) plays a vital role in the management of Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s disease is the most common indication for a CTE, primarily used to determine diagnosis and complications (5) to guide effective treatment, and for monitoring disease progression and response to treatment.


Transvaginal vs Transperineal US in Obstetric Imaging

Transperineal US

13th July 2024, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

Preterm birth/labour (PTL) is the most common cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. Preterm birth is defined as delivery prior to 37 weeks of gestation (1). In Australia, the preterm birth rate ranges from 8.3% in 2011 and 8.2% in 2021 with the highest in recent years at 8.7% in 2018 (2). Transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) is considered as the gold standard in the measurement of cervical length (CL) and is routinely used as part of preterm labour’s risk assessment (4).…

DEXA – The key to diagnosing osteoporosis

6th June 2024, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry), is a non-invasive, quick and simple medical imaging modality used to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is highly effective in diagnosing osteoporosis or osteopenia, hence enabling managing clinicians to assess the extent of bone loss for their patients. It is considered the “gold standard” by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and is the most accurate and inexpensive test to diagnose osteoporosis.…

Paediatric ultrasound – developmental hip dysplasia

12th May 2024, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) stands out as one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorders manifesting in neonates and infants (Charlton et al., 2017). Owing to the dynamic potential for hip remodelling, hip dysplasia at birth may either resolve spontaneously or progress as the child grows (Loh & Wollett, 2021). DDH encompasses a spectrum of hip conditions, including abnormal acetabular development and hip dislocation causing disruption to the typical alignment of the femoral head and acetabulum as a stable ball-and-socket joint (Landes, 2011).…

NIA Diagnostic Imaging – Improved diagnosis for life

13th April 2024, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

At NIA Diagnostic Imaging, we are proudly the only Medical Imaging Provider in Southwest Sydney that has continued to Bulk-Bill ALL Medicare eligible examinations including:
• ALL Obstetric Ultrasounds
• ALL Interventional Procedures performed under Ultrasound or CT guidance
• Biopsy, FNA, Aspiration, Hook Wire Localisation, Pain Management Injections

At NIA Diagnostic Imaging we always aim to prioritise the health of our patients and are compassionate and diligent in our delivery of premium care.…