Acne – the ABC of management in primary care

27th November 2023, A/Prof Chee L Khoo

Although moderate to severe acne is pretty common in primary care, our management tends to be haphazard. We have our favourite topical and oral therapy but I am not sure that that is evidence-based nor pathophysiological in our approach. When all else fails, we refer on to our friendly dermatologist. I recently attended a brilliant lecture at the Melbourne GPCE presented by Dr Ryan de Cruz, a Melbournian dermatologist.…

Acne – are dietary factors relevant?

25th August 2020, Dr Chee L Khoo

diet and acne

Moderately severe to severe acne can have significant psychological harm associated with low self-esteem, poor perception of one’s body, social isolation, and depressive symptoms. Patients often believe that consumption of various food contribute to their acne development and severity. Although chocolate, fatty foods, and milk are frequently thought to be responsible is there any evidence on the role of nutrition in acne?…