Marathon running – putting evidence into practice

13th January 2024, Conjoint A/Prof Chee L Khoo

Marathon running

When we think about extreme physical activity (EPA) such as marathon running, apart from the perceived issue of wearing out knee and hip joints (that’s another issue, another day), we think about the cardiovascular risks or benefits that comes with this intense physical activity. We explored the issue of marathon running and cardiovascular risks 9 months ago here.…

Marathon running – putting science into practice

27th December 2023, A/Prof Chee L Khoo

Endurance athlete

When we think about extreme physical activity (EPA) such as marathon running, apart from the perceived issue of wearing out knee and hip joints (that’s another issue, another day), we think about the cardiovascular risks or benefits that comes with this intense physical activity. We explored the issue of marathon running and cardiovascular risks 9 months ago here.…

Coronary artery calcification among endurance athletes – do we need to worry?

5th January 2020, Dr Chee L Khoo

Athletes and highly active people are not immune to coronary artery disease. There are some studies which suggest that despite the high levels of physical activity, these individuals have a higher prevalence of coronary artery calcification (CAC) compared with controls with low atherosclerotic risks (1,2). Is this increased level of CAC associated with increased mortality?…