Exacerbation of COPD – do oral steroids make any difference?

12th November 2023, Conjoint Assoc. Prof Chee L Khoo

It is pretty standard for us to treat an infective exacerbation of COPD with antibiotics and a shot of oral corticosteroids, usually oral prednisolone for 5-7 days. Almost all of them seems to get better with that regimen. Or do they? We explored when to use and when not to use inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in COPD in the September 2023 issue.…

COPD – which puffer/s?

10th September 2023, Dr Chee L Khoo


We looked at the new understanding of the pathophysiology of COPD last fortnight. Armed with that information, we may be able to make sense of which puffer to use for which patient and what to escalate during their exacerbations. We already do that but, I must admit, rather haphazardly. It, kind of, depends on what samples I have in the drug cupboard or when the last pharma rep came to sell their ware.…