DVT – how does duplex US look for it?

11th October, 2023, NIA


Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a medical condition associated with significant morbidity and mortality. It is vital that a rapid diagnosis can be acquired since DVT can result in severe complications including the development of pulmonary embolism (PE). The consequences of PE can be life-threatening. About 10% of PEs are fatal and 5% will cause death later despite diagnosis and treatment.…

Arterial Doppler in Diabetes Management

13th August 2022, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

In a 2020 study, 1 in 20 Australians have diabetes mellitus (excludes gestational diabetes), and the primary complications associated with this disease are foot ulcerations and claudication (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2022). Diabetic foot ulcerations can develop due to a number of factors including poor glycaemic control, poor foot care, dry skin, calluses, and foot deformities (Oliver & Mutluoglu, 2022).…