CT-guided spinal injections – what to order?

12th September 2023, NIA Diagnostic Imaging

Back pain has to be one of the most common ailments we see in general practice. Pain may originate from nerve root irritation, facet joint dysfunction, degenerative disc disease or poor muscle function or even osteoporotic fractures. There has been numerous systematic reviews and meta-analyses and most have highlighted how ineffective cortisone injections are in relieving the symptoms in the medium and long term.…

Opioids or codeine not recommended? What do we do with patients with severe back and leg pains?

May 1, 2018 Dr Chee L Khoo

Chronic, persistent low back, lower extremity pain, and radicular pain may be secondary to disc herniation, disc disruption, disc degeneration, facet joint disease, spinal stenosis, or post lumbar surgery syndrome resulting in disc-related pain with or without radiculitis. The specificity and sensitivity of the symptoms and signs are low and therefore, not as reliable as we think in getting to the precise diagnosis.…

Glucocorticoid injection for spinal stenosis – who might benefit?

March 2018, Dr Chee L Khoo

Sometimes conclusions from a landmark scientific trial may be different from what we see in our own practice. The LESS trial (2014) found that epidural injection of glucocorticoids plus lignocaine offered minimal or no short-term (6 weeks) benefit as compared with epidural injection of lignocaine alone in the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). Yet, we all have some patients that have responded well to spinal injections.…