Diabetes and Oral Health – it cuts both ways!

Patients with diabetes commonly have significant dysfunction of the immune system leading to chronic inflammation in many organ systems. It is not uncommon to see patients with T2D suffering from oral and periodontal disease which has been shown to worsen the diabetes disease. What is less known but shown in many studies is that periodontal disease is associated with development of diabetes.  Understanding the patho-physiology, clinical manifestations and management of different types of oro-facial infections related to diabetes is important for GPs and the dentist for the optimal care of the patients with these diseases.

Be a part of a landmark study in SWS!

We are looking for GPs to participate in our study

Researchers from Western Sydney University, Western Sydney and South Western Sydney Local Health Districts, Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research and NSW Centre for Oral Health Strategy are conducting a research study to develop a diabetes oral health program. This program will include educating diabetes care providers to provide oral health education, assessment and referral to people with diabetes.

This study involves the participating GP to have an interview (face-face or telephone) to explore your perceptions about oral health and diabetes and the potential role of diabetes care providers in promoting oral health. The information provided will assist us in developing a more comprehensive program that is tailored to the needs of the people with diabetes attending diabetes clinics. The interview will be 10-15 mins long and will be conducted at a convenient time and place. Participation is voluntary and the information you provide will be strictly confidential. You will be offered a $50 voucher as compensation for your time to participate in this study. This study has been approved by the South Western Sydney Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee HE 16/375.

If you would like to be involved, please contact Prakash Poudel, (Principal Investigator and PhD student), Tel: 02 8738 9367 or email prakash.poudel@health.nsw.gov.au