Pregnancy Medical Imaging – A personalised one stop shop for pregnant women

Pregnancy medical imaging can provide vital diagnostic information about a developing baby including gestational age, checking for multiple pregnancies, congenital anomalies and/or problems with the placenta, monitoring foetal position and growth, and the level of amniotic fluid.

Who would have thought that the radiologist is now a friend of GPs when we look after pregnant women. Radiologists are key members of clinical teams who frequently make the first diagnosis of many medical conditions in children, adults and often the unborn baby.

Patients may find themselves bouncing between their GP, pathology labs for blood tests and separate clinics for scans and someone to help them make sense of all the results in combination. Thus, it makes sense to have a one-stop service including NIPS, ultrasound, 3D imaging, dating scans, nuchal translucency, 13-week structural scan (which accompanies NIPS) and detailed 18-week morphology scan to assess anatomy, all under the one roof.

Spectrum Medical Imaging in Liverpool offers this one stop service. Spectrum has hand-picked its team of highly skilled obstetric sonographers and they look after mothers-to-be for the whole journey, making sure nothing is overlooked.