Plantar fasciitis – management in general practice
14th March 2025, NIA Diagnostic Imaging Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain in adults affecting about 10% of the adult population. It is most common in women aged between 40-60 years. It stems from the degenerative irritation of the plantar fascia origin at the medial calcaneal tuberosity of the heel and […]
AZ jab 2 at 6 weeks – should we?
23rd July 2021, Dr Chee L Khoo It’s all too confusing. And annoying. They keep releasing updates in the lay media and says “see your GP to discuss” but did not update us. You will recall that 2 weeks ago the recommendations to have the second AstraZeneca vaccination moved to 6 weeks after the first […]
GP: The centre of type 2 diabetes care – are you up to the task?
26th May 2019, Dr Chee L Khoo GPs in south west Dydney (SWS) are increasingly overwhelmed by the numbers of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) coming through the doors. We know that this cohort have a more “aggressive” disease and much higher and earlier complication rates. T2DM continues to be strongly associated with numerous […]
Paediatric MRIs – which ones are Medicare rebatable?
One of the problems of MRIs coming on and coming off Medicare rebates over time is the immense confusion to us GPs. This is especially so in the area of Paediatric MRIs. Fortunately, our colleagues at Spectrum Radiology has put together a quick reference guide for use in practice. The guide is now available under GP Resources […]
GDM Diagnosis & Management – SWS leading the way
8th November 2018, Dr Chee L Khoo When there is so much talk about gestational diabetes (GDM), you can’t help but think that just about every pregnant woman has GDM in south west Sydney (SWS). After all, if you look at the “high risk” group that you ought to be screening for GDM, there is […]
Metallic implants/prosthesis – are they MRI safe?
28th October 2018, Dr Chee L Khoo Metallic objects, implants or prosthesis can render magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) unsafe or affect the quality of the images. Our patients who have metallic joint prosthesis in-situ not uncommonly require further imaging. This can pose a bit of a challenge as many of the same patient population who […]
A GP guide to understanding prostate MRI – the PI-RADS scoring system
April 2018, Dr Chee L Khoo Forget about whether PSA screening saves lives or not. What is the next step when a PSA level comes back elevated. Obviously if the PSA is >10 or much higher, they need referral to a urologist for biopsies. What if it is trending high or is significantly higher than […]
How to get lounge access when flying economy
March 2018, Dr Chee L Khoo If you earn more than $76,000 per annum and you would like lounge access when flying economy overseas on the cheap, read on. I don’t know about you but I can only afford economy class when flying overseas. I can’t really justify spending 4 times the economy fare to […]
GP Drug & Alcohol Advice & Support Service
We all have patients troubled by alcohol or drugs. We are either approached by the patient or more often than not, family members who are lost in the maze of services out there. Despite being a GP in the area for more than 25 years, I still don’t know what is out there, who needs […]